A downloadable Khumeia for Windows, macOS, and Linux

# Khumeia

## Lore 

The world is going to explode from a chain reaction. The only way to save it is to stop the reaction by creating an atom big enought to absorb all the others.

## Gameplay

- Use your mouse to drag identitcal atom and generate a biggero one

- Use the arrow key to move the camera. You can also zoom/unzoom with + and - keys

## Technologies

Gimp2, Godot Engine 3.3.3, LMMS

## Licence MIT

Code source available at https://gitlab.com/esilvert/ld49


Ludum Dare 49.dmg 33 MB
Ludum Dare 49.x86_64 41 MB
Ludum Dare 49.exe 38 MB

Install instructions

Windows: Run the exe file

Mac OS: Run the DMG file. You might need to whitelist the file by opening Security & Privacuy panel and clicking "Open anyway"

Linux: Run the last file i forgot the name \o/

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